(Trioceros) feae
Scientific name |
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(Trioceros) feae
Fea's Chameleon |
Chamaeleon feae, Chamaeleo montium feae
see a species list of Chamaeleo |
Boulenger |
1906 |
Small |
Eggs |
C. feae is geographically restricted, known only from the montane rainforests of Fernando Poo Island in the Gulf of Guinea off the west coast of Africa. Male achieve a total length of 9 inches. Females are slightly smaller.
Formerly considered a subspecies of C. montium, C. feae is now considered a separate species and part of the "C. (Trioceros) cristatus complex." Males show a slightly raised helmet and have a relatively large backsail which ends at the first quarter of the tail. Basic color is green and the general shape is similar to that of C. montium females. Males have a broader tailbase
than females and the dorsal sail is larger. Females often show no recognizable sail but only a curved crest. Unlike C. montium, the males show no horns but exhibit two enlarged scales over the eyes.
This is a montane rainforest species which comes from elevations of 1300-1600 m. The area is extremely humid. It is best to keep them like the related C. montium but a few degrees cooler. Little is known about their reproduction but they are assumed to reach sexual maturity at between 8-10 months.
Klaver, C. & W. Boehme. 1997. Chamaeleonidae.
Das Tierreich, 112: i-xiv' 1 - 85. Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New York.
Martin, J., 1992. Masters of Disguise: A Natural History of Chameleons. Facts On File, Inc., New York, NY.
Necas, P. 1999. Chameleons: Nature's Hidden Jewels. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, FL.
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